FGRF is actively involved in different Humanitarian initiatives across Pakistan, Turkey, Turkish Syrian Territory, and is providing Humanitarian aid in Palestine and other regions.

Environment Department

This department is working since 2021 and started its climatic emergency action from Karachi by collaborating with KMC in an initiative Green Karachi. To date, the FGRF Environment department has contributed more than 0.3 million trees in different areas of Karachi which include shady and fruit trees, while 4 abundant parks have been recovered and rehabilitation of these parks has been completed. Now the footprint has been spread all over Pakistan and since we took the charge, we targeted 2 million trees in the first phase which was achieved with the support of our volunteers and in collaboration with government and international NGOs. WWF is a technical partner and the Ministry of Climate Change appreciated the efforts, we not only plant saplings! Our mission statement is (I must plant a sapling and grow it into Tree) We have a strong post care system which is continued till the mission is accomplished.